The aim of the conference is to centre research, data, and innovations in Africa’s development efforts in order to accelerate progress towards the realisation of the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

Evidence for Development Conference
The main objective of the Evidence for Development (Evi4Dev) Conference is to convene policymakers, science, technology, and innovation (STI) and evidence-informed policymaking (EIP) experts, funders, and practitioners working in different development fields to deliberate the status of STI and EIP, identify and commit to critical actions needed in order to centre data, evidence, and innovations in Agenda 2063 implementation efforts.
The conference’s main themes are: Generation and translation of research and innovations for the realisation of Agenda 2063; and evidence-informed policymaking (EIP) to accelerate Agenda 2063 progress. Read More

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